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3 more days.

its 3 more days to the end of my work as a relief teacher, and since tomorrow is a council election campaigning day, i wont get any salary x( haha..

aniwae, today is my last day teaching 08s08. though initially i dont really like the class (because they are like dead dead quiet), but ive grown to like them. and it feel so sad to leave. ahh, find it so hard to say 'today is my last lesson with you all' because i really dont want it to be the last one )': and i just heard from one of them, jinkai i think, that their class really never talk during lesson, and getting them to answer question or ask question can be considered a miracle. and i thot its because of other reasons. sigh, why i only know this on the last day. on the day that i got closer to them and the day where suddenly theres (relatively) alot of answers and questions. AH, ill miss you all 08s08ian!

friday will be my last with 08s19 and 08s21. ohh noooooo.. this shucks.

but anyway, if im LUCKY, i MAY get another job in NJ! whooo, keith tan told me that he need help for college day, so the job maybe a project basis. but i want a full-time job, so currently his looking into it, and if finally he find something for me to do, ill be staying in NJ! (i guess) YEA (: haha, still can meet all my juniors and students. just that i wont be teaching them anymore ):

since its my last week (perhaps), i want to spend more time in school. so from today and onwards till friday, i will stay in ctrl till everyone leaves xD haha, unless the authorities kicks me out :p hehe, so today stayed to play GERMAN BRIDGE with the 2 QMs, and i won! (i think) because of the final game :p, then rush off to meet ty to go home. (sorry to make you late! haha, i cant find my wallet which is under the cdplayer :P) haha, so long never take bus with her. so got alot to gossip about! and suddenly its her stop already, 1 hr ride so fast if got gossip! HAHAHA, PA now is full of gossips and scandals hor. the tagboard is flowing faster than shitting. tmr will take SCANDALOUS photos during the event. EHEHEHEHE, watch out for this paparazzi! :p

so, no photos for today because all reserved for tomorrow! council election speech day, 3 venues, LT1, Hall, Canteen, with our dear CUTE MASTER as the IC of the event :p sure got scandalous things one :p

oh for all of my students, FEEL free to contact me for any help in your subjects k (esp physics)? ill gladly come down to NJ to help you all again. tutorials? tests? anything (: i really enjoyed this short time with you all, definitely the best job ever. THANKS guys (: ill miss you all!

okay time for tag replies!
to shihui: HAHA, treat treat treat, what overdue, pangseh summore so double treat! haha, im hungry.. xD
to grace: haha, dont think got any age limit there, but almost all the drinks alcoholic! i thot its 18 yrs old? ahahah.. promise!!! (:
to pork: i want to treasure it too ): so sad leh, my last few days feel so much sadder than last years last few days xP
to ty: why everyone think im emo? haha, got emo meh? xD haha cheer me up then xD see the tag, you so scandalous also hor TY!

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