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my boring days

ohh, unemployment quite suck though, i prefer working life! not only because of the $$$$ (altho is impt :P) but also all the social life! hmm, having nothing to do is quite pissing me off.

the days of the month has come already. no, not that. but my ulcers are coming back. hahaha, for those who doesnt know yet, i have periodic ulcers. they usually come in threes. and they usually take arnd 2-3 weeks to dissapear. worst is they are always located at weird weird places. lets see, i thought my last ulcers was worst.

it was quite painful as in everytime i eat, it kept rubbing with my wisdom tooth behind there. even when i open/close my mouth, the friction is PAINFUL. hahaha. BUT now, i guess its more painful (or maybe because i forgot how does it feel last time)

it is on the end, the meeting part of the upper and lower lips! even the slightest movement of the lip, i can feel it already. dont talk about eating, where you need to open your mouth considerably big to let the spoon goes into your mouth. you can feel ur ulcer being stretched. ugh. and there are 2 more, 1 on the tongue, and the other one at the other side of the inner cheek. best. left right middle all got ulcer, how i eat. psst, brushing teeth is even worse. ):

hopefully its not hand-foot-mouth disease -.- the case currently is exploding. thousands over one week xD

HAHAHA, okay that was random. mainly because i dont really know what to post :p so tmr ill be getting my new passport! then ill be going to CJC to badminton away my evening with the usual people (: yoohoo..

today was quite interesting though, met wenhao and ryan (to become the crazy trio) hahaha, and went frantically circling the classified page to find job. calling every number we can see, rotational basis. finally, upon dunno-how-many ads, got one company willing to interview us! haha, it was some promoting sony at best denki -.- okay la, at least awhile, before finding a better job. but its still not confirmed though. the irritating thing is about being a foreigner. 1 in a 100 companies accepts foreigner ): thats why when u ask around it seems so easy to get a job, but not for us foreigners! xD damn the girls who can get PR without NS. HAHAHA..

then after the interview, we went to catch the no.1 box office movie in US this week, THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM. yes, i think it was good! especially the fighting scenes. as what you can expect from both jetli and jackie. plot was also good, no dissapointing moments. maybe except the lame inspiration sentences (sometimes) and of course, guess what is the best part of the show? THE SUBTITLE. without it, dont even think of watching. haha.

okay, i got some new pics for the NJ people who havent go back in a long time, so u wont be so shocked when u finally see it and think you go to a wrong JC :P

currently, you cannot use the phrase "i wait for you at the round table", particularly because the phrase "round table" is no longer pointing to one area only.

and this is what you will expect when you are walking towards the new lt5, look at the color! and the floor tile! and especially, look at the door!

this is what you will see when u step into lt5! i bet u will be: WHOA. haha, chairs havent been installed though, itll be those concert/cinema type of chair, and table is inside the handle there. very condusive. condusive for sleeping i mean. oh, and look at the floor! its nicely polished woods!

as u walk up, looking at our usual control room. the view from outside is still as ugly as before xD haha, but look at the artistic jutting in and out wall, quite nice huh, maybe if they change our window to something more sophisticated and expensive looking, itll be even much better.

and this is the view on top! stage, sadly, didnt change much. or maybe, HAVENT. haha, so, be surprised (: oh and btw, now there are 3 types of house lightings! in the past, they have usual house light, and step lights. now, they added more nice lighting! the wall lights! so, the purpose of the jutting in and out walls is because there are lights inside the jutting out walls! nice huh? :p

okay i think i shall stop for today, my savings account is depleting, slowly but surely, and from the looks of it, its depleting exponentially. if not, factorial-ly :p haha.. goodnight (:

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