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tagged by the bigman

tagged by wh! fast fast do before i go sleep!

1. Real name : Handhika Wiguna Jahja
2. Nickname : dhika, dhik, mr yap :p
3. Married : soon
4. Male or Female : Male
5. Highschool : Dian Harapan, Anderson Secondary
6. College : National Junior College
7. Short or long hair : currently short; but long wannabe
8. Are you a health freak : err, no idea. should be no :p
9. Height : 170cm
10. Do you have a crush on someone : nooooooooooyeamaybe.
11. Do you like yourself : i do!
12. Piercings : when the permission comes! haha.
13. Righty or Lefty : right. i wish im ambidextrous!

14. First surgery : gall bladder removal by laparoscopy. hahahaha. xD not me though :p
15. First piercing(s) : pierced by a prick maybe xD
16. First person you see in the morning : random person walking at the road?! -.-
17. First award : some art thing i think :p during pri sch.
18. First sport you joined : soccer
19. First pet : kitten that got eaten in one day
20. First vacation : bali.
22. First crush : kindergarten?

23. Eating : sour power
24. Drinking : saliva
25. I'm about to : sleeep

26. Want kids : yea of cors!
27. Want to get married : fast! :p
28. Careers in mind : doctor.

35. Kissed a stranger : never, but looking fwd to! :p
36. Drank bubbles : sure
37. Lost glasses/contacts : lost? no, broke yes.
38. Ran away from home : im a good boy.
39. Liked someone younger : sure
40. Liked someone older : sure
41. Broken someone's heart : sure
42. Been arrested : hope not.
43. Cried when someone died : yeps
44. Liked a friend : OF COURSE. haha.

45. Yourself : YES!
46. Miracles : sure thing
47. Heaven : yep, faith!
48. Santa claus : -.-
49. Angels : yes.

50. Is there one person you want to be with right now : hmm, no.
51. Do you believe in God : yes (: one God.

tag: the usual ppl who tag my blog! ty, grace, amelia, mok, elaine, sh, cass, yihongm, joli, hsiangwei (:

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