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need work!

ahh pain paain.. really really pain, whole day painnnn )': hahaha, darn it, hopefully the ulcer is at its biggest state now and will get smaller soon. and hope new ones don't come outttt.. xD

today was quite fun. spent most of the day accompanying the phat guy around singapore. going from admiralty, to chinatown, to buona vista, to chatsworth rd, to lucky plaza, to CJC, then to Jurong west. (:

did his LOI today, so hopefully he can work la :p haha, if not, bye bye man, ure going to get more perfect. i mean perfect circle. then we went to the restaurant where Oe and amos work, got discounted price plus extra food and drinks. best la. my ulcers are on the way of eating ): then we went CJC to badminton our food away (: just realised i cant hit the shuttle while wearing my contacts. so i changed back to specs :p then we went jurong west to bowl! haha, not bad lah not bad, suddenly got the urge of playing because we keep talking about bowling king the comic xD

and we 3 found a job tgt. haha, its promoter for sony walkman, but next week will do for toshiba laptop. quite fun eh? but the working time is ridiculous, i dont want to lose my tuition jobs. howwww.. grrr..

oh and i cant wait to get a portable console for me. haha, once i get my job (or my pay) i will straight away buy a console! hahaha, okay, my consideration now, shd i get PSP or NDS?! haha, readers, help me choose! xD

lalalalala.. oh im playing gunbound again xD

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