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a tribute to my lovely HP COMPAQ NC4400

oh why we have to part. this will be the last night im using you, dear, and also the last night posting on this blog together with you. oh i hate to say goodbye to you, you have been a lovely companion, fast, and reliable. you know what i need, and you are always there when i need you. unlike others, you are so thin, and light, and you have a hot body, i like to bring you around. the feeling of touching you is so nice, your keys are so soft and bouncy. im sorry that i need to leave you, and im even more sorry because i have to erase all your memories of me, it will be a trouble if anyone knows what we did together, dear. please forgive me. i promise it'll be quick and painless, and you wont remember anything about me again.

and in fact you wont remember anything after i FORMATTED you, you cant even BOOT! Hahahaha, okay that paragraph is so full of crap! but yes, im sad. if you havent notice, the paragraph above refers to this laptop im using now, compaq nc4400! -.- and this also may be my last post before long, cause i dont think i can go online with my pentium -1 toshiba satellite laptop. ahahah, im gonna bring it to repair as soon as possible!

so what i need to do after i go offline is: burn my downloads, final check of leftover data, final cleanup, insert the recovery cd, press R for recovery console, FORMAT D: drive. then poof. disappear. i hope i dont make trouble. xD

and anyway, im here to say that the NUH person replied me! this time is not the inefficient secretary anymore, but is a Doctor with a capital D. :S and he said the period for the job shadowing is 1 week, i can start either on 14th april or 21st april. so darn it. it clashes with my school job! i guess tmr ill go find keith and ask for his permission. i hope everything goes well! to the believers, pray for me. to the unbelievers, at least cross your fingers XD i want both. im greedy :p

other than that, today jeremy (the IT person of the school) came to me and tell me that im taking over his job! wah im quite shocked. yes he told me that he is leaving for some other company, but i never thought that ill replace him! so to cut things short, he taught me some things, and i think will continue to teach me school IT stuffs till he leave on next tuesday. BUT BUT, the most important thing is, i told him that i cant even access KM! and he gave my account admin rights to KM! oh i didnt expect that. but with great power come great responsibility you know. they give me a compaq NC4400, with a GUEST account restriction. or just some lame very restricted account access to the laptop. no power, no responsibility. i got the admin rights (with some inside information) crash the OS, install a new os, and completely change the laptop! :X oh albert is gonna kill me if he knows :P BUT! if you give me the admin rights already, to KM summore! i can PLAY WITH THE 2-people-that-i-hate-the-most's accounts in NJ! (you know who) change their picture, password, username or whatever! i can even delete them from the school system! hahaha, but im not gonna do that. haha, dont worry. great power, greater responsibility (:

dont believe me ah. im dissapointed. hahaha..

and if i cant go online for these few days, oh no, i cant live without internet ): how. nooooooo. better storm the toshiba service centre fast!

oh and elaine told me that my english/writing style has improved. aahahahaha, thanks! hehe, but the most probable reason is that you have met alot of people with lousier english in your workplace, so relatively, mine become better. XD hahahahaa.. okay, so this will be the last post with this compaq.

byebye. i will never forget you. but you must forget me. if not im in trouble.

ohh last lesson with s19 and s21 tmr!


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